El Paso Art Association, Crossland Gallery and Studios at the ARTJunction

El Paso Art Association, Crossland Gallery and Studios at the ARTJunction

The Crossland Gallery @ the Art Junction features 8 annual shows: Con.FIGURE.ation, Colors of Spring, America the Beautiful,  International Eye of the Camera. Every month the gallery has a new exhibition. Gallery also features group shows, receptions, demonstrations, and gallery art talks.

It is located on the ground floor of the El Paso Art Association’s headquarters at 500 W. Paisano Dr., El Paso, Texas, and is free and open to the public Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 11:30am-4:30pm, Thursday 11:30-6:00pm and Saturday 10:30am-1:30pm.  

The gallery is comprised of three main rooms, the Bissell, Cox, and Williams Galleries, each named in honor of an EPAA member who provided outstanding service to the El Paso Art Association. The Crossland Gallery’s relaxed and inviting atmosphere provides a place for the public to view and purchase some of the best art in the region. When you visit the gallery feel free to use the large parking lot to the EAST of the building on Durango. It is always open and it is free!

The Crossland Gallery is available for RENT to individuals or groups for recitals or other events. For more information, call 915-534-7377 or email