The Equestrian Vandalized by Pámela Vigo Sánchez
The Equestrian Vandalized by Pámela Vigo Sánchez
Ink, ink wash, and fake blood on paper 9” x 12”
Artist Inspiration : As an equestrian, I have spent most of my life and time around horses. Whether that time was spent with my horse, Indy, or volunteering at a therapy barn, I try to make sure every day is spent at a barn. From these years of being around horses, I have noticed how similar humans are to horses, as well as how many of us still depend on them for one reason or another. I can also see that while the barn can be an escape from harsh reality, more often than not do the evils of the outside world plague the barn. To this day, the horse is involved in our lives. Equine therapists help those affected by mass shootings. Protestors ride in Black Lives Matter marches. For some of us, horses are the last thing we have that remained “normal” during a global pandemic. And lastly, history was written on the back of the horse, and that history, regardless of how dark it may be, continues to be brought to light or challenged in its accuracy. My art continues to be about the horse, but with the difference in that it brings awareness to the ongoing fights for justice, health, and peace of Americans.
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